New Directive and Classification This Product is CE Marked as a medical device and can be freely sold AND used on broken skin to properly clean wounds. BackgroundWipes need to be classified as medical devices to be freely sold without restriction; however the inclusion of an antiseptic (even as a preservative) and any user direction that indicates use on on broken skin ensures they must be classified as medicinal products. In order to comply with this guidance, all UK First Aid Manufacturers have included a disclaimer on their wipes stating they must not be used on broken skin. Whilst it is undoubtedly useful to have wipes in kits to clean hands and to clean around a wound, wipes to cleanse wounds would be muh more useful in a first aid kit. The current inclusion of wipes in first aid kits may be deemed as implying their use directly on a wound. It is not in the interests of the user or the patient for this uncertainly to continue. This Product is CE Marked as a medical device and can be freely sold AND used on broken skin to properly clean wounds.